Kanpyō Gyoki

The Kanpyō Gyoki (寛平御記, Imperial diary of the Kanpyō era) or Uda tennō gyoki (宇多天皇御記, Imperial diary of Emperor Uda) is a diary written in variant Chinese (hentai-kanbun) by Emperor Uda. It is the oldest extant Japanese court diary. Together with Murakami tennō gyoki (村上天皇御記, Emperor Murakami's diary) and Daigo tennō gyoki (醍醐天皇御記, Emperor Daigo's diary) it comprises the collection known as Sandai Gyoki (三代御記, The Diaries of the Three Reigns).

Kanpyō Gyoki

The Kanpyō Gyoki (寛平御記, Imperial diary of the Kanpyō era) or Uda tennō gyoki (宇多天皇御記, Imperial diary of Emperor Uda) is a diary written in variant Chinese (hentai-kanbun) by Emperor Uda. It is the oldest extant Japanese court diary. Together with Murakami tennō gyoki (村上天皇御記, Emperor Murakami's diary) and Daigo tennō gyoki (醍醐天皇御記, Emperor Daigo's diary) it comprises the collection known as Sandai Gyoki (三代御記, The Diaries of the Three Reigns).