Kantonsschule Rämibühl

The Kantonsschule Rämibühl at the Rämistrasse in Zurich, founded in 1832 as "Kantonsschule Zürich" consists of four Kantonsschulen (Sekundarstufe I&II) with different curricular profiles. The four schools, which are attended by more than 2000 students in total, are the Literargymnasium, the Realgymnasium, the Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliches Gymnasium and the Kunst- und Sportgymnasium Rämibühl. The current school headmaster is Rektor Dr. Daniel Reichmuth. The vice-headmasters (Prorektor) are Susanne Kalt and Samuel Byland.

Kantonsschule Rämibühl

The Kantonsschule Rämibühl at the Rämistrasse in Zurich, founded in 1832 as "Kantonsschule Zürich" consists of four Kantonsschulen (Sekundarstufe I&II) with different curricular profiles. The four schools, which are attended by more than 2000 students in total, are the Literargymnasium, the Realgymnasium, the Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliches Gymnasium and the Kunst- und Sportgymnasium Rämibühl. The current school headmaster is Rektor Dr. Daniel Reichmuth. The vice-headmasters (Prorektor) are Susanne Kalt and Samuel Byland.