
KateModern was the sister series of lonelygirl15. The series, which was announced on 16 July 2007, began filming on 9 July and the first video, Fight and Flight, was released on 16 July. The show is produced by EQAL in partnership with Bebo. It ended on 28 June 2008, slightly less than a year following its original release. KateModern videos first appeared on Bebo and lg15.com, then with a delay of at least 24 hours on YouTube. Ratings for the show's first season were extremely successful, and it continued to rise in popularity in its second. See below.


KateModern was the sister series of lonelygirl15. The series, which was announced on 16 July 2007, began filming on 9 July and the first video, Fight and Flight, was released on 16 July. The show is produced by EQAL in partnership with Bebo. It ended on 28 June 2008, slightly less than a year following its original release. KateModern videos first appeared on Bebo and lg15.com, then with a delay of at least 24 hours on YouTube. Ratings for the show's first season were extremely successful, and it continued to rise in popularity in its second. See below.