Kator FC

Kator Football Club is a South Sudanese football club located in Juba, South Sudan which currently plays in the South Sudan Football Championship. The club is regarded as one of the most successful clubs in the league alongside its fierce rivals Atlabara Fc and Malakia Fc.Kator FC were runners up to Al-Salam FC in the 2017 season this is the greatest achievement of the team since also losing to Al-Salam FC in 2011 South Sudan National Cup Ownership On 4 December 2016. Mr. Makiir Gai Thiep was appointed chairman in a bid to develop the club.

Kator FC

Kator Football Club is a South Sudanese football club located in Juba, South Sudan which currently plays in the South Sudan Football Championship. The club is regarded as one of the most successful clubs in the league alongside its fierce rivals Atlabara Fc and Malakia Fc.Kator FC were runners up to Al-Salam FC in the 2017 season this is the greatest achievement of the team since also losing to Al-Salam FC in 2011 South Sudan National Cup Ownership On 4 December 2016. Mr. Makiir Gai Thiep was appointed chairman in a bid to develop the club.