Kawai Wong

Kawai Wong (born Wong Ka Wai (黃家惠) ; 4 February 1986) is a magazine editor, writer and fashion stylist. She started her Hong Kong journalism career with Time Out Hong Kong in 2010 and went on to edit the Shopping & Style section. Wong helped to re-invent the section by adding new regular fixtures such as Things We Love About... and Style Agenda. Her notable works include a one-on-one interview with Tom Ford in 2011 and a six-hour interview with the "King of Asian Pop" Eason Chan in 2012. Wong also contributed to the official website of Hong Kong Tourism Board and translated articles for the arts webzine City Reborn. She had worked with Sasha Slater at London Evening Standard and Hilary Alexander at The Daily Telegraph. Wanderlister+ dubbed Wong a "tough as nail interviewer" in 2012.

Kawai Wong

Kawai Wong (born Wong Ka Wai (黃家惠) ; 4 February 1986) is a magazine editor, writer and fashion stylist. She started her Hong Kong journalism career with Time Out Hong Kong in 2010 and went on to edit the Shopping & Style section. Wong helped to re-invent the section by adding new regular fixtures such as Things We Love About... and Style Agenda. Her notable works include a one-on-one interview with Tom Ford in 2011 and a six-hour interview with the "King of Asian Pop" Eason Chan in 2012. Wong also contributed to the official website of Hong Kong Tourism Board and translated articles for the arts webzine City Reborn. She had worked with Sasha Slater at London Evening Standard and Hilary Alexander at The Daily Telegraph. Wanderlister+ dubbed Wong a "tough as nail interviewer" in 2012.