Kazakh tribes

There are many Kazakh tribes, and they form part of three big clans (zhuz (cyrillic Kazakh: Жүз/latin Kazakh: Jüz) in kazakh language means hundred, every clan in ancient times had hundreds of warriors) the main: tribes of Kazakhs Elder (Senior) or Great Horde (Ulı Jüz); Middle or Central Horde (Orta Jüz) and Junior (Young) or Lesser Horde (Kişi Jüz). * Horde means tribes association for rule state.

Kazakh tribes

There are many Kazakh tribes, and they form part of three big clans (zhuz (cyrillic Kazakh: Жүз/latin Kazakh: Jüz) in kazakh language means hundred, every clan in ancient times had hundreds of warriors) the main: tribes of Kazakhs Elder (Senior) or Great Horde (Ulı Jüz); Middle or Central Horde (Orta Jüz) and Junior (Young) or Lesser Horde (Kişi Jüz). * Horde means tribes association for rule state.