Kelas Aliran Agama

Kelas Aliran Agama (KAA) or Religious Stream Class (Arabic: الفصل الديني) is a type of institutional group of education established and managed by the Malaysian Ministry of Education (MOE). KAA forms Religious Education Institution (IPA) with two other types of institutional group of education, which are National Islamic Secondary School (SMKA) and Government-funded Religious School (SABK).

Kelas Aliran Agama

Kelas Aliran Agama (KAA) or Religious Stream Class (Arabic: الفصل الديني) is a type of institutional group of education established and managed by the Malaysian Ministry of Education (MOE). KAA forms Religious Education Institution (IPA) with two other types of institutional group of education, which are National Islamic Secondary School (SMKA) and Government-funded Religious School (SABK).