Keller Rinaudo

Keller C. Rinaudo is an American robotics and autonomous airplane entrepreneur and the CEO and a co-founder of Zipline. Zipline began drone deliveries in Rwanda in late 2016, and primarily delivers blood to urgent medical situations. In addition to whole blood, the drones deliver platelets, fresh frozen plasma, and cryoprecipitate. As of May 2019, more than 65% of blood deliveries in Rwanda outside of the capital city Kigali use Zipline drones. In Ghana, the company began using drones in April 2019 to deliver vaccines, blood, and drugs.

Keller Rinaudo

Keller C. Rinaudo is an American robotics and autonomous airplane entrepreneur and the CEO and a co-founder of Zipline. Zipline began drone deliveries in Rwanda in late 2016, and primarily delivers blood to urgent medical situations. In addition to whole blood, the drones deliver platelets, fresh frozen plasma, and cryoprecipitate. As of May 2019, more than 65% of blood deliveries in Rwanda outside of the capital city Kigali use Zipline drones. In Ghana, the company began using drones in April 2019 to deliver vaccines, blood, and drugs.