Ken-L Ration

Ken-L Ration was a brand of canned and dry dog food. Ken-L Ration was owned by Quaker Oats, but the brand was sold to H. J. Heinz Co. in 1995. The brand's name was a play on the World War II-era K-ration, and featured a yellow dog named Fido on its labels. The trademark for Ken-L Ration is now owned by Retrobrands USA LLC. The dog food's original main ingredient was U.S. Government Inspected horse meat, advertised as "lean, red meat".

Ken-L Ration

Ken-L Ration was a brand of canned and dry dog food. Ken-L Ration was owned by Quaker Oats, but the brand was sold to H. J. Heinz Co. in 1995. The brand's name was a play on the World War II-era K-ration, and featured a yellow dog named Fido on its labels. The trademark for Ken-L Ration is now owned by Retrobrands USA LLC. The dog food's original main ingredient was U.S. Government Inspected horse meat, advertised as "lean, red meat".