
Kepler-1625 is a 14th-magnitude solar-mass star located in the constellation of Cygnus approximately 8,000 light years away. Its mass is within 5% of that of the Sun, but its radius is approximately 70% larger reflecting its more evolved state. A candidate gas giant exoplanet was detected by the Kepler Mission around the star in 2015, which was later validated as a likely real planet to >99% confidence in 2016. In 2018, the Hunt for Exomoons with Kepler project reported that this exoplanet has evidence for a Neptune-sized exomoon around it, based on observations from NASA’s Kepler Mission. Subsequent observations by the larger Hubble Space Telescope provided compounding evidence for a Neptune-sized satellite, with an on-going debate about the reality of this exomoon candidate.


Kepler-1625 is a 14th-magnitude solar-mass star located in the constellation of Cygnus approximately 8,000 light years away. Its mass is within 5% of that of the Sun, but its radius is approximately 70% larger reflecting its more evolved state. A candidate gas giant exoplanet was detected by the Kepler Mission around the star in 2015, which was later validated as a likely real planet to >99% confidence in 2016. In 2018, the Hunt for Exomoons with Kepler project reported that this exoplanet has evidence for a Neptune-sized exomoon around it, based on observations from NASA’s Kepler Mission. Subsequent observations by the larger Hubble Space Telescope provided compounding evidence for a Neptune-sized satellite, with an on-going debate about the reality of this exomoon candidate.