
The Kharvi, who are also known as Tari, are a community found in Goa and Maharashtra. Some are Christians, while others are Hindus. They have various sub-groups, among which are the Arrikars, Kantaikars, Magkars, Pagelkars and Ramponkars. Though they are largely involved in fisheries, Hence they have right of sacred thread. They are distinct from the Gabit community found mostly in northern Goa, although they share a similar traditional occupation.


The Kharvi, who are also known as Tari, are a community found in Goa and Maharashtra. Some are Christians, while others are Hindus. They have various sub-groups, among which are the Arrikars, Kantaikars, Magkars, Pagelkars and Ramponkars. Though they are largely involved in fisheries, Hence they have right of sacred thread. They are distinct from the Gabit community found mostly in northern Goa, although they share a similar traditional occupation.