Kielder Observatory

Kielder Observatory is an astronomical observatory located in Kielder Forest, Northumberland, England. It is situated high upon Black Fell overlooking Kielder Water near the Scottish border, and half a mile up a forest track from James Turrell's Kielder Skyspace. The site was chosen due to its pristine night skies in a location free of light pollution with clear views to all horizons, and is one of the best places in the UK to view the Milky Way. In 2018 Kielder Observatory has expanded to accommodate construction of the Gillian Dickinson Astroimaging Academy.

Kielder Observatory

Kielder Observatory is an astronomical observatory located in Kielder Forest, Northumberland, England. It is situated high upon Black Fell overlooking Kielder Water near the Scottish border, and half a mile up a forest track from James Turrell's Kielder Skyspace. The site was chosen due to its pristine night skies in a location free of light pollution with clear views to all horizons, and is one of the best places in the UK to view the Milky Way. In 2018 Kielder Observatory has expanded to accommodate construction of the Gillian Dickinson Astroimaging Academy.