Kili Holm

Kili Holm is a tidal island in the Orkney Islands, linked to Egilsay. Unusually, like its neighbour Egilsay, it may have a partly Gaelic etymology, in this case from cille meaning a monk's cell (Egilsay may derive from eaglais a church). This may make it another “Papey” or island of the papar or culdees. There is a cairn on the island, and it is currently used as rough grazing for sheep.

Kili Holm

Kili Holm is a tidal island in the Orkney Islands, linked to Egilsay. Unusually, like its neighbour Egilsay, it may have a partly Gaelic etymology, in this case from cille meaning a monk's cell (Egilsay may derive from eaglais a church). This may make it another “Papey” or island of the papar or culdees. There is a cairn on the island, and it is currently used as rough grazing for sheep.