King's School, Auckland

King's School is a primary school for boys from the Early Learning Centre (4-years-old) to Year 8 (13-years-old). It is situated in Auckland, New Zealand, and it also has strong links to the Anglican church; the Anglican Bishop of Auckland and the Dean of Auckland are permanent members of the school's Board Of Governors. The school sits on the former site of King's College and was established there on 6 June 1922 when the College moved to its current site in the South Auckland region of Otahuhu. Boys at King's School are offered a variety of curriculum activities. These include numeracy, literacy, Christian education, physical education, science, technology, art, music, drama, band and French.

King's School, Auckland

King's School is a primary school for boys from the Early Learning Centre (4-years-old) to Year 8 (13-years-old). It is situated in Auckland, New Zealand, and it also has strong links to the Anglican church; the Anglican Bishop of Auckland and the Dean of Auckland are permanent members of the school's Board Of Governors. The school sits on the former site of King's College and was established there on 6 June 1922 when the College moved to its current site in the South Auckland region of Otahuhu. Boys at King's School are offered a variety of curriculum activities. These include numeracy, literacy, Christian education, physical education, science, technology, art, music, drama, band and French.