Kiss Me Monster

Kiss Me Monster (Spanish: Bésame monstruo) is a 1967 adventure mystery film directed, written and co-starring Jesús Franco. Other principal cast include Janine Reynaud, Rosanna Yanni, Chris Howland, Michel Lemoine, Manuel Velasco, Ana Casares, Adrian Hoven and Barta Barri. It premiered in Austria on May 31, 1969, and was shown in the US in November of 1972.

Kiss Me Monster

Kiss Me Monster (Spanish: Bésame monstruo) is a 1967 adventure mystery film directed, written and co-starring Jesús Franco. Other principal cast include Janine Reynaud, Rosanna Yanni, Chris Howland, Michel Lemoine, Manuel Velasco, Ana Casares, Adrian Hoven and Barta Barri. It premiered in Austria on May 31, 1969, and was shown in the US in November of 1972.