Kitty from Kansas City (film)

Kitty from Kansas City is a 1931 animated short film which is presented by Max Fleischer and was originally released by Paramount Pictures. The film, with features Betty Boop as she attempts to comically get to Rudy Valley, features a sing-along of the song "Kitty From Kansas City", a song that Vallee released on vinyl via the Victor record label. Hence the name of Betty Boop's destination; it features a cameo of Rudy Vallee, who is featured half-way through the film. He invites the audience, via disguise, to sing-along to the title song.

Kitty from Kansas City (film)

Kitty from Kansas City is a 1931 animated short film which is presented by Max Fleischer and was originally released by Paramount Pictures. The film, with features Betty Boop as she attempts to comically get to Rudy Valley, features a sing-along of the song "Kitty From Kansas City", a song that Vallee released on vinyl via the Victor record label. Hence the name of Betty Boop's destination; it features a cameo of Rudy Vallee, who is featured half-way through the film. He invites the audience, via disguise, to sing-along to the title song.