
Knockan (Scottish Gaelic: An Cnocan) is a township of six crofts in the community of Ardtun, in the south of the Isle of Mull off the west coast of Scotland. The cottage called "Knockan" is distinguished by its bright red roof and white walls, set by a small hill; cnocan in Gaelic means "little hill". The cottage is around 200 years old and was originally built by a weaver of the local crofting community. It is now owned by his descendants, the family of Donald Black. The other crofting cottages in the "township" of Knockan include "Knockan House" and "Rhudda na Cruban"


Knockan (Scottish Gaelic: An Cnocan) is a township of six crofts in the community of Ardtun, in the south of the Isle of Mull off the west coast of Scotland. The cottage called "Knockan" is distinguished by its bright red roof and white walls, set by a small hill; cnocan in Gaelic means "little hill". The cottage is around 200 years old and was originally built by a weaver of the local crofting community. It is now owned by his descendants, the family of Donald Black. The other crofting cottages in the "township" of Knockan include "Knockan House" and "Rhudda na Cruban"