
Knockninny (from Irish Cnoc Ninnidh 'St. Ninnidh's hill') is a barony in County Fermanagh, Northern Ireland. To its east lies Upper Lough Erne, and it is bordered by four other baronies in Northern Ireland: Clanawley to the north-west; Tirkennedy to the north; Magherastephana to the north-east; and Coole to the east. It also borders two baronies in the Republic of Ireland: Lower to the south; and Tullyhaw to the south-west.


Knockninny (from Irish Cnoc Ninnidh 'St. Ninnidh's hill') is a barony in County Fermanagh, Northern Ireland. To its east lies Upper Lough Erne, and it is bordered by four other baronies in Northern Ireland: Clanawley to the north-west; Tirkennedy to the north; Magherastephana to the north-east; and Coole to the east. It also borders two baronies in the Republic of Ireland: Lower to the south; and Tullyhaw to the south-west.