Kolkata Police Friendship Cup Football Tournament

Kolkata Police Friendship Cup Football Tournament is a football tournament organised by Kolkata Police every year for the local clubs of Kolkata. Over 500 clubs participate in this three-tier tournament. It is an initiative of the Chief Minister of West Bengal Buddhadeb Bhattacharya and is aimed at improving public-police interface by striking the soccer sentiments of the city. ESPN Star Sports are sponsors of the tournament and advertised in lines of the FA Premier League. They will fly five participants from the tournament for a tour of London football grounds.

Kolkata Police Friendship Cup Football Tournament

Kolkata Police Friendship Cup Football Tournament is a football tournament organised by Kolkata Police every year for the local clubs of Kolkata. Over 500 clubs participate in this three-tier tournament. It is an initiative of the Chief Minister of West Bengal Buddhadeb Bhattacharya and is aimed at improving public-police interface by striking the soccer sentiments of the city. ESPN Star Sports are sponsors of the tournament and advertised in lines of the FA Premier League. They will fly five participants from the tournament for a tour of London football grounds.