Kondo model

The Kondo model (sometimes referred to as the s-d model) is a model for a single localized quantum impurity coupled to a large reservoir of delocalized and noninteracting electrons. The quantum impurity is represented by a spin-1/2 particle, and is coupled to a continuous band of noninteracting electrons by an antiferromagnetic exchange coupling . The Kondo model is used as a model for metals containing magnetic impurities, as well as quantum dot systems.

Kondo model

The Kondo model (sometimes referred to as the s-d model) is a model for a single localized quantum impurity coupled to a large reservoir of delocalized and noninteracting electrons. The quantum impurity is represented by a spin-1/2 particle, and is coupled to a continuous band of noninteracting electrons by an antiferromagnetic exchange coupling . The Kondo model is used as a model for metals containing magnetic impurities, as well as quantum dot systems.