Krambambula (band)

Krambambula is a Belarusian band from Minsk, started by Lavon Volski (also the founder of N.R.M.) in 2001. The name of the band is derived from a popular Belarusian alcoholic tincture of the same name. The band performs humorous and satirical songs, often on an alcoholic theme. Krambambula was banned in Belarus from 2011 to 2017.

Krambambula (band)

Krambambula is a Belarusian band from Minsk, started by Lavon Volski (also the founder of N.R.M.) in 2001. The name of the band is derived from a popular Belarusian alcoholic tincture of the same name. The band performs humorous and satirical songs, often on an alcoholic theme. Krambambula was banned in Belarus from 2011 to 2017.