Kramer and Zondi

The Kramer and Zondi novels are a series of Police procedurals by James H. McClure set in apartheid era South Africa. The action largely takes place in the fictional city of Trekkersberg. As a whole they form a subtle but damning critique of apartheid and everyday life in Natal during the years of National Party rule, with mention of pass laws, resettlement, the brutal treatment of Bantu prisoners and domestic help, the Security Branch, capital punishment, everyday and institutional racism, Afrikaner nationalism, racial classification (especially in The Steam Pig), the Immorality Act, banned books, mission schooling, conditions in the townships, necklacing, and the arrest of Nelson Mandela.

Kramer and Zondi

The Kramer and Zondi novels are a series of Police procedurals by James H. McClure set in apartheid era South Africa. The action largely takes place in the fictional city of Trekkersberg. As a whole they form a subtle but damning critique of apartheid and everyday life in Natal during the years of National Party rule, with mention of pass laws, resettlement, the brutal treatment of Bantu prisoners and domestic help, the Security Branch, capital punishment, everyday and institutional racism, Afrikaner nationalism, racial classification (especially in The Steam Pig), the Immorality Act, banned books, mission schooling, conditions in the townships, necklacing, and the arrest of Nelson Mandela.