Krez (instrument)

Krez (Udmurt and Russian: крезь} is an Udmurt string instrument (chordophone) similar to the Russian gusli. The mythical origin of the krez is detailed in the Udmurt national epic, the . The krez was used to accompany some shamanic ritual dances, and the large krez (быдӟым крезь) was used for music during the holiday of .

Krez (instrument)

Krez (Udmurt and Russian: крезь} is an Udmurt string instrument (chordophone) similar to the Russian gusli. The mythical origin of the krez is detailed in the Udmurt national epic, the . The krez was used to accompany some shamanic ritual dances, and the large krez (быдӟым крезь) was used for music during the holiday of .