
KrioRus (Russian: КриоРус) — the first Russian cryonics company, founded in 2005 as a project by a non-governmental organization Russian Transhumanist Movement. KrioRus is the only cryonics company in Europe, that possesses its own cryostorage. The company stores bodies (or brains) of its cryopatients — dead people and animals, in liquid nitrogen, in the hope that someday it will be possible to revive them by means of the emerging technologies of the future. The company offers a service of freezing either the entire patient's body, or just their head. KrioRus cooperates with other cryonics companies of the world, and facilitates placement of patients' bodies in similar storage facilities, situated outside Russia.


KrioRus (Russian: КриоРус) — the first Russian cryonics company, founded in 2005 as a project by a non-governmental organization Russian Transhumanist Movement. KrioRus is the only cryonics company in Europe, that possesses its own cryostorage. The company stores bodies (or brains) of its cryopatients — dead people and animals, in liquid nitrogen, in the hope that someday it will be possible to revive them by means of the emerging technologies of the future. The company offers a service of freezing either the entire patient's body, or just their head. KrioRus cooperates with other cryonics companies of the world, and facilitates placement of patients' bodies in similar storage facilities, situated outside Russia.