
Krotite is a natural mineral composed of calcium, aluminium and oxygen, with the molecular formula CaAl2O4. It is the low-pressure dimorph of CaAl2O4, of which the high-pressure dimorph is named dmitryivanovite. Krotite was reported in 2011 in a calcium-aluminium-rich inclusion (CAI) in the carbonaceous chondrite meteorite NWA (North West Africa) 1934, which landed in Morocco. The mineral name was approved by the International Mineralogical Association (IMA 2010-038) and honors Alexander N. Krot, a researcher in cosmochemistry at the University of Hawaii at Manoa in Honolulu, Hawaii.


Krotite is a natural mineral composed of calcium, aluminium and oxygen, with the molecular formula CaAl2O4. It is the low-pressure dimorph of CaAl2O4, of which the high-pressure dimorph is named dmitryivanovite. Krotite was reported in 2011 in a calcium-aluminium-rich inclusion (CAI) in the carbonaceous chondrite meteorite NWA (North West Africa) 1934, which landed in Morocco. The mineral name was approved by the International Mineralogical Association (IMA 2010-038) and honors Alexander N. Krot, a researcher in cosmochemistry at the University of Hawaii at Manoa in Honolulu, Hawaii.