
Kulipari is an American Flash animated streaming television series animated by Splash Entertainment. Its first season An Army of Frogs debuted in September 2016 as a Netflix original series. It was produced by Clarise Cameron and Patrick Inness. The show is based on Trevor Pryce's novel series An Army of Frogs. Kulipari: Heritage, a four-issue comic book miniseries, was released from August to November 2016. The series was renewed for a second season called Kulipari: Dream Walker on March 8, 2017, which was released in November 20, 2018. A graphic novel called Kulipari: Warflower was purported to be released on January 1, 2019, but it was canceled.


Kulipari is an American Flash animated streaming television series animated by Splash Entertainment. Its first season An Army of Frogs debuted in September 2016 as a Netflix original series. It was produced by Clarise Cameron and Patrick Inness. The show is based on Trevor Pryce's novel series An Army of Frogs. Kulipari: Heritage, a four-issue comic book miniseries, was released from August to November 2016. The series was renewed for a second season called Kulipari: Dream Walker on March 8, 2017, which was released in November 20, 2018. A graphic novel called Kulipari: Warflower was purported to be released on January 1, 2019, but it was canceled.