
Kuolema (Death) is a drama by the Finnish writer Arvid Järnefelt, first performed on 2 December 1903. He revised the work in 1911. The play is notable for its incidental music: a group of six compositions created by the author's brother-in-law, Jean Sibelius. The most famous selection is the opening number, Valse triste (Sad Waltz), which was later adapted into a separate concert piece.


Kuolema (Death) is a drama by the Finnish writer Arvid Järnefelt, first performed on 2 December 1903. He revised the work in 1911. The play is notable for its incidental music: a group of six compositions created by the author's brother-in-law, Jean Sibelius. The most famous selection is the opening number, Valse triste (Sad Waltz), which was later adapted into a separate concert piece.