L'Express (Toronto)

L'Express, formerly L'Express de Toronto, is a French-language weekly newspaper, published in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. The paper concentrates primarily on local and regional news for Franco-Ontarians in the Greater Toronto Area and Central Ontario, although it has also published a smaller selection of national and international news coverage. It is considered one of the most important francophone media outlets in Canada outside of Quebec; for instance, in Jacques Parizeau's first trip outside of Quebec after winning the 1994 Quebec provincial election, L'Express was the only media outlet besides the national CBC Prime Time News to whom he granted an interview.

L'Express (Toronto)

L'Express, formerly L'Express de Toronto, is a French-language weekly newspaper, published in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. The paper concentrates primarily on local and regional news for Franco-Ontarians in the Greater Toronto Area and Central Ontario, although it has also published a smaller selection of national and international news coverage. It is considered one of the most important francophone media outlets in Canada outside of Quebec; for instance, in Jacques Parizeau's first trip outside of Quebec after winning the 1994 Quebec provincial election, L'Express was the only media outlet besides the national CBC Prime Time News to whom he granted an interview.