L'arc-en-ciel (film)

L'arc-en-ciel is a short feature film directed by David Bonneville. It is a co-production by the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation / David & Golias / RTP2. The film tells us the story of Quitterie, a 40-year-old European woman, who relives the great love for her deceased 18-year-old Japanese partner by engaging young male strangers into sordid sexual adventures.

L'arc-en-ciel (film)

L'arc-en-ciel is a short feature film directed by David Bonneville. It is a co-production by the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation / David & Golias / RTP2. The film tells us the story of Quitterie, a 40-year-old European woman, who relives the great love for her deceased 18-year-old Japanese partner by engaging young male strangers into sordid sexual adventures.