Lúcio Mauro Vinhas de Souza

Lúcio Vinhas de Souza is a Brazilian-Portuguese economist. His main research areas are global macroeconomics, development economics, finance and country risk, with extensive work experience at the developed economies of the European Union and the US, and in several emerging market regions, from the former Soviet Union to East Asia, Africa and Latin America. Dr. Vinhas de Souza is married and has one daughter.

Lúcio Mauro Vinhas de Souza

Lúcio Vinhas de Souza is a Brazilian-Portuguese economist. His main research areas are global macroeconomics, development economics, finance and country risk, with extensive work experience at the developed economies of the European Union and the US, and in several emerging market regions, from the former Soviet Union to East Asia, Africa and Latin America. Dr. Vinhas de Souza is married and has one daughter.