L7 (band) discography

The discography for the rock band L7. L7 was originally formed in 1985 by Donita Sparks vocals/guitar and Suzi Gardner vocals/guitar. The band's early line up consisted of bassist Jennifer Finch and drummer Roy Koutsky. After their debut album, the band recruited Demetra Plakas as their permanent drummer. This line up continued through their albums, Smell the Magic (1990) on Subpop records, and both albums Bricks Are Heavy (1992), and Hungry for Stink (1994) on Slash Records. Finch elected to leave the band to attend college and Greta Brink replaced Finch as the bass player for The Beauty Process: Triple Platinum, the third and final album released with Slash Records in 1997. Gail Greenwood took over as their bassist for the album Slap-Happy (1999) which was produced by L7's own company, W

L7 (band) discography

The discography for the rock band L7. L7 was originally formed in 1985 by Donita Sparks vocals/guitar and Suzi Gardner vocals/guitar. The band's early line up consisted of bassist Jennifer Finch and drummer Roy Koutsky. After their debut album, the band recruited Demetra Plakas as their permanent drummer. This line up continued through their albums, Smell the Magic (1990) on Subpop records, and both albums Bricks Are Heavy (1992), and Hungry for Stink (1994) on Slash Records. Finch elected to leave the band to attend college and Greta Brink replaced Finch as the bass player for The Beauty Process: Triple Platinum, the third and final album released with Slash Records in 1997. Gail Greenwood took over as their bassist for the album Slap-Happy (1999) which was produced by L7's own company, W