LUISS Business School

Luiss Business School is a leading Italian business school, specialized in business and management studies. Founded in 1986, Luiss Business School is the business school of the Libera Università Internazionale degli Studi Sociali Guido Carli, (LUISS). Its educational portfolio includes Masters, MBAs, Executive Programmes and Custom Programmes. The main campus is located in the historical 19th century building of Villa Blanc, in Rome. In 2018, a second campus has been opened in Milan and in 2019 a third campus has been opened in Belluno, the most important city in the Eastern Dolomites region.

LUISS Business School

Luiss Business School is a leading Italian business school, specialized in business and management studies. Founded in 1986, Luiss Business School is the business school of the Libera Università Internazionale degli Studi Sociali Guido Carli, (LUISS). Its educational portfolio includes Masters, MBAs, Executive Programmes and Custom Programmes. The main campus is located in the historical 19th century building of Villa Blanc, in Rome. In 2018, a second campus has been opened in Milan and in 2019 a third campus has been opened in Belluno, the most important city in the Eastern Dolomites region.