LaVoy Finicum

Robert LaVoy Finicum (January 27, 1961 – January 26, 2016) was one of the American militants who staged an armed occupation of the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge in January 2016. After it began, the occupying force organized itself as the Citizens for Constitutional Freedom, of which Finicum served as a spokesman. Finicum was the only fatality of the occupation. Prior to the occupation, Finicum lived in Arizona where he made a living as a foster parent and operated a no-income cattle ranch.

LaVoy Finicum

Robert LaVoy Finicum (January 27, 1961 – January 26, 2016) was one of the American militants who staged an armed occupation of the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge in January 2016. After it began, the occupying force organized itself as the Citizens for Constitutional Freedom, of which Finicum served as a spokesman. Finicum was the only fatality of the occupation. Prior to the occupation, Finicum lived in Arizona where he made a living as a foster parent and operated a no-income cattle ranch.