Labels for Education

Labels for Education is a marketing program begun in 1973 by the Campbell Soup Company in the United States, and later also in Canada. The program allowing schools to earn books, musical instruments, computers, and other school supplies in exchange for labels or Universal Product Codes (UPCs) on associated products. In 2013, five companies participated in the program: Campbell Soup Company, Diamond Foods, Post Foods, Société Bic, and The Dannon Company (the American division of Groupe Danone). In addition, the Glad brand is also a member of this program.

Labels for Education

Labels for Education is a marketing program begun in 1973 by the Campbell Soup Company in the United States, and later also in Canada. The program allowing schools to earn books, musical instruments, computers, and other school supplies in exchange for labels or Universal Product Codes (UPCs) on associated products. In 2013, five companies participated in the program: Campbell Soup Company, Diamond Foods, Post Foods, Société Bic, and The Dannon Company (the American division of Groupe Danone). In addition, the Glad brand is also a member of this program.