Lack of physical education

Lack of physical education is the inadequacy of the provision and effectiveness of exercise and physical activity within modern education. When physical education fails to meet its goals of providing students with the knowledge base, life habits, and mindset necessary to be physically active throughout their lifetime, it can lead children to adopt a sedentary lifestyle. According to a 2010 study by the WHO, 81% of children aged 11–17 worldwide did not meet the minimum recommended exercise guidelines of 60 minutes daily. A high quality physical education programs consists of these attributes:

Lack of physical education

Lack of physical education is the inadequacy of the provision and effectiveness of exercise and physical activity within modern education. When physical education fails to meet its goals of providing students with the knowledge base, life habits, and mindset necessary to be physically active throughout their lifetime, it can lead children to adopt a sedentary lifestyle. According to a 2010 study by the WHO, 81% of children aged 11–17 worldwide did not meet the minimum recommended exercise guidelines of 60 minutes daily. A high quality physical education programs consists of these attributes: