Ladytron discography

English electronic music band Ladytron have released six studio albums, one live album, eight compilation albums, six extended plays, 20 singles, one promotional single, one video album and 17 music videos. Formed in 1999 in Liverpool, Merseyside, the band consists of Helen Marnie (lead vocals, synthesisers), Mira Aroyo (vocals, synthesisers), Daniel Hunt (synthesisers, electric guitar, vocals) and Reuben Wu (synthesisers). Ladytron took their name from the 1972 song of the same name by Roxy Music. Former Roxy Music member Brian Eno has described Ladytron as "the best of English pop music".

Ladytron discography

English electronic music band Ladytron have released six studio albums, one live album, eight compilation albums, six extended plays, 20 singles, one promotional single, one video album and 17 music videos. Formed in 1999 in Liverpool, Merseyside, the band consists of Helen Marnie (lead vocals, synthesisers), Mira Aroyo (vocals, synthesisers), Daniel Hunt (synthesisers, electric guitar, vocals) and Reuben Wu (synthesisers). Ladytron took their name from the 1972 song of the same name by Roxy Music. Former Roxy Music member Brian Eno has described Ladytron as "the best of English pop music".