Lagrange polynomial

In numerical analysis, Lagrange polynomials are used for polynomial interpolation. For a given set of points with no two values equal, the Lagrange polynomial is the polynomial of lowest degree that assumes at each value the corresponding value , so that the functions coincide at each point. Although named after Joseph-Louis Lagrange, who published it in 1795, the method was first discovered in 1779 by Edward Waring. It is also an easy consequence of a formula published in 1783 by Leonhard Euler.

Lagrange polynomial

In numerical analysis, Lagrange polynomials are used for polynomial interpolation. For a given set of points with no two values equal, the Lagrange polynomial is the polynomial of lowest degree that assumes at each value the corresponding value , so that the functions coincide at each point. Although named after Joseph-Louis Lagrange, who published it in 1795, the method was first discovered in 1779 by Edward Waring. It is also an easy consequence of a formula published in 1783 by Leonhard Euler.