Lakes in Bangalore

Lakes in Bangalore, Karnataka are numerous, and there are no rivers close by. Most lakes in the Bangalore region were constructed in the sixteenth century by damming the natural valley systems by constructing bunds. In recent years, the Management of Lakes traditionally done by the government agencies witnessed experimentation by the Lake Development Authority with a limited public–private sector participation in respect of three lakes, which has proved controversial and resulted in almost a reversal of the policy.

Lakes in Bangalore

Lakes in Bangalore, Karnataka are numerous, and there are no rivers close by. Most lakes in the Bangalore region were constructed in the sixteenth century by damming the natural valley systems by constructing bunds. In recent years, the Management of Lakes traditionally done by the government agencies witnessed experimentation by the Lake Development Authority with a limited public–private sector participation in respect of three lakes, which has proved controversial and resulted in almost a reversal of the policy.