Lander Institute

Lander Institute is an Israeli private institution of higher education, founded by Touro College, New York. The college is located in Givat Shaul, Jerusalem. The institute began operating in August 2004 and is named after Professor Bernard Lander, founder of Touro College in New York. The institute has two campuses, one for the secular population and the other for the Orthodox population. Lander Institute ("Machon Lander" in Hebrew) is an Israeli institution of higher education consisting of:

Lander Institute

Lander Institute is an Israeli private institution of higher education, founded by Touro College, New York. The college is located in Givat Shaul, Jerusalem. The institute began operating in August 2004 and is named after Professor Bernard Lander, founder of Touro College in New York. The institute has two campuses, one for the secular population and the other for the Orthodox population. Lander Institute ("Machon Lander" in Hebrew) is an Israeli institution of higher education consisting of: