Language event

Language event (German: Sprachereignis) is an act or instance of written or spoken communication. In the 1920s earliest use of the word was found in Journal of Philosophy. In theology this word was used by Ernest Fuchs, relating to New Hermeneutic. Fuchs' doctrine of language helped to inspire a "new quest" for the historical Jesus because it could now be said that Jesus' words and deeds constituted that "language event" in which faith first entered into language, thereby becoming available as an existential possibility within language, the "house of being" (Heidegger). Conversely, the reality of God's love is verbalized in Jesus' words and deeds recorded in the Gospels and is thus preserved as language gain(Sprachgewinn). In the freedom of proclamation God's presence in the gospel as the

Language event

Language event (German: Sprachereignis) is an act or instance of written or spoken communication. In the 1920s earliest use of the word was found in Journal of Philosophy. In theology this word was used by Ernest Fuchs, relating to New Hermeneutic. Fuchs' doctrine of language helped to inspire a "new quest" for the historical Jesus because it could now be said that Jesus' words and deeds constituted that "language event" in which faith first entered into language, thereby becoming available as an existential possibility within language, the "house of being" (Heidegger). Conversely, the reality of God's love is verbalized in Jesus' words and deeds recorded in the Gospels and is thus preserved as language gain(Sprachgewinn). In the freedom of proclamation God's presence in the gospel as the