
Lataif-e-sitta (Arabic: اللطائف الستة‎) are special organs of perception in Sufi spiritual psychology, subtle human capacities for experience and action. Depending on context, the lataif are also understood to be the corresponding qualities of that experience or action. The underlying Arabic word latifa (singular) means "subtlety" and the phrase Lataif-e-sitta means "six subtleties" (although the number of lataif can differ depending on the specific Sufi tradition). All lataif (plural) together are understood to make up the human "subtle body" (Jism Latif)


Lataif-e-sitta (Arabic: اللطائف الستة‎) are special organs of perception in Sufi spiritual psychology, subtle human capacities for experience and action. Depending on context, the lataif are also understood to be the corresponding qualities of that experience or action. The underlying Arabic word latifa (singular) means "subtlety" and the phrase Lataif-e-sitta means "six subtleties" (although the number of lataif can differ depending on the specific Sufi tradition). All lataif (plural) together are understood to make up the human "subtle body" (Jism Latif)