Laureana Wright de Kleinhans

Laureana Wright de Kleinhans (1846-1896) (also known as Laurena) was a Mexican writer and feminist pioneer. Her writings on the role of women, were revolutionary for her time. Her magazine, Violets of Anahuac in 1887, changed the paradigm by promoting as the core ideology of the magazine, the feminine ideal of a cultured, educated wife and mother. The publication promoted female education and insisted that the intellectual equality between men and women was the means of emancipation. She was one of the first feminist theorists in Mexico, asking women to question their role in society and the conditions in which they lived. She covered topics such as education, women's suffrage and legal equality between men and women. She wrote patriotic poetry and served as the vice president of the Spiri

Laureana Wright de Kleinhans

Laureana Wright de Kleinhans (1846-1896) (also known as Laurena) was a Mexican writer and feminist pioneer. Her writings on the role of women, were revolutionary for her time. Her magazine, Violets of Anahuac in 1887, changed the paradigm by promoting as the core ideology of the magazine, the feminine ideal of a cultured, educated wife and mother. The publication promoted female education and insisted that the intellectual equality between men and women was the means of emancipation. She was one of the first feminist theorists in Mexico, asking women to question their role in society and the conditions in which they lived. She covered topics such as education, women's suffrage and legal equality between men and women. She wrote patriotic poetry and served as the vice president of the Spiri