Lawrence Ogilvie

Lawrence Ogilvie (5 July 1898 – 16 April 1980) was a Scottish plant pathologist. From 1923, in his first job and aged only 25, when agriculture was Bermuda's major industry, Ogilvie identified the virus that had devastated the islands' high-value, lily-bulb crops in 204 bulb fields for 30 years. By introducing agricultural controls, he re-established the valuable export shipments to the USA, increasing them to seven-fold the volume of earlier "virus" years. He was established as a successful young scientist when he had a 3-inch column describing his work published by the world's premier scientific-journal Nature

Lawrence Ogilvie

Lawrence Ogilvie (5 July 1898 – 16 April 1980) was a Scottish plant pathologist. From 1923, in his first job and aged only 25, when agriculture was Bermuda's major industry, Ogilvie identified the virus that had devastated the islands' high-value, lily-bulb crops in 204 bulb fields for 30 years. By introducing agricultural controls, he re-established the valuable export shipments to the USA, increasing them to seven-fold the volume of earlier "virus" years. He was established as a successful young scientist when he had a 3-inch column describing his work published by the world's premier scientific-journal Nature