Lawyers for Liberty

Lawyers for Liberty (LFL) is a Malaysian human rights and law reform NGO. In 2010 it revealed several years' statistics of lethal police shootings in Malaysia and inferred that police had impunity to murder. In 2011 it commented on the exchange of political refugees with Australia and alleged police harassment of journalists. In 2011 LFL criticised Malaysian authorities' arrest and deportation of the Saudi Hamza Kashgari, who had published three allegedly blasphemous tweets, and filed a habeas corpus affidavit against four Malaysian authorities. LFL claimed that it would try to obtain Kashgari's freedom.

Lawyers for Liberty

Lawyers for Liberty (LFL) is a Malaysian human rights and law reform NGO. In 2010 it revealed several years' statistics of lethal police shootings in Malaysia and inferred that police had impunity to murder. In 2011 it commented on the exchange of political refugees with Australia and alleged police harassment of journalists. In 2011 LFL criticised Malaysian authorities' arrest and deportation of the Saudi Hamza Kashgari, who had published three allegedly blasphemous tweets, and filed a habeas corpus affidavit against four Malaysian authorities. LFL claimed that it would try to obtain Kashgari's freedom.