Le roi malgré lui

Le roi malgré lui (King in Spite of Himself or The reluctant king) is an opéra-comique in three acts by Emmanuel Chabrier of 1887 with an original libretto by Emile de Najac and Paul Burani. The opera is revived occasionally, but has not yet found a place in repertory. Eric Blom wrote that the tragic fate of the opera was to be written a quarter of a century too soon. However, the music has been greatly admired by composers including d'Indy, Ravel and Stravinsky.

Le roi malgré lui

Le roi malgré lui (King in Spite of Himself or The reluctant king) is an opéra-comique in three acts by Emmanuel Chabrier of 1887 with an original libretto by Emile de Najac and Paul Burani. The opera is revived occasionally, but has not yet found a place in repertory. Eric Blom wrote that the tragic fate of the opera was to be written a quarter of a century too soon. However, the music has been greatly admired by composers including d'Indy, Ravel and Stravinsky.