
Leaina (Greek: Λέαινα, "lioness") is a pseudo-historical figure, supposedly a hetaera and, according to a later tradition, the mistress of Aristogeiton the Tyrannicide. Polyaenus write that the story of Leaena was known to all the Greeks. Original versions of the story of Aristogeiton portray him, on the contrary, as the lover of Harmodius, for whom he decided to overthrow the tyrant Hipparchus. Hipparchus had feelings for Harmodius, and he tried to humiliate him after his feelings were rejected. The statue was not made by Calamis but by the Athenian sculptor Amphicrates, according to Pliny.


Leaina (Greek: Λέαινα, "lioness") is a pseudo-historical figure, supposedly a hetaera and, according to a later tradition, the mistress of Aristogeiton the Tyrannicide. Polyaenus write that the story of Leaena was known to all the Greeks. Original versions of the story of Aristogeiton portray him, on the contrary, as the lover of Harmodius, for whom he decided to overthrow the tyrant Hipparchus. Hipparchus had feelings for Harmodius, and he tried to humiliate him after his feelings were rejected. The statue was not made by Calamis but by the Athenian sculptor Amphicrates, according to Pliny.