Lehrter Straße

The Lehrter Straße (also: Lehrter Strasse, Lehrterstraße, and Lehrterstrasse) is a residential street in Moabit, a sub district of Mitte, one of Berlin's 12 boroughs of which the borders were redefined following the 1989 Fall of the Berlin Wall. It runs for an almost completely straight length, except for a small kink shortly before its southern extremity. The street is approximately 1,500 metres (0.93 miles) long and lies in a southeasterly direction from the Perleberger Strasse near the Fenn Bridge, to the west of, and parallel to the disused Lehrter railway complex which was disbanded in the 1950s. It joins the Invalidenstraße a few hundred metres from the new Berlin Hauptbahnhof (Berlin's central railway station), near the site of the former Invalidenstraße East-West Berlin Cold War ch

Lehrter Straße

The Lehrter Straße (also: Lehrter Strasse, Lehrterstraße, and Lehrterstrasse) is a residential street in Moabit, a sub district of Mitte, one of Berlin's 12 boroughs of which the borders were redefined following the 1989 Fall of the Berlin Wall. It runs for an almost completely straight length, except for a small kink shortly before its southern extremity. The street is approximately 1,500 metres (0.93 miles) long and lies in a southeasterly direction from the Perleberger Strasse near the Fenn Bridge, to the west of, and parallel to the disused Lehrter railway complex which was disbanded in the 1950s. It joins the Invalidenstraße a few hundred metres from the new Berlin Hauptbahnhof (Berlin's central railway station), near the site of the former Invalidenstraße East-West Berlin Cold War ch