Leon of Pella

Leon of Pella (Greek:Λέων ὁ Πελλαῖος) or Leo the Egyptian (4th century BC) was a historian, priest and theologian. He wrote the book On the Gods in Egypt (Περὶ τῶν κατ' Αἴγυπτον Θεῶν), based on an apocryphal letter of Alexander the Great to his mother Olympias. He was a contemporary of Euhemerus and explained similarly the human origin of the gods.

Leon of Pella

Leon of Pella (Greek:Λέων ὁ Πελλαῖος) or Leo the Egyptian (4th century BC) was a historian, priest and theologian. He wrote the book On the Gods in Egypt (Περὶ τῶν κατ' Αἴγυπτον Θεῶν), based on an apocryphal letter of Alexander the Great to his mother Olympias. He was a contemporary of Euhemerus and explained similarly the human origin of the gods.