Leontovych Bandurist Capella

The Leontovych Bandurist Capella was a male choir whose members accompanied themselves using a Ukrainian folk instrument known as a bandura. It was established in the displaced persons camps in Germany in 1946 and had an active performance schedule until 1949. In 1946 Hryhory Nazarenko together with the brothers left the Ukrainian Bandurist Chorus and started working on establishing a new bandurist capella. This new capella was formed in the British zone in Germany in the city of Goslar and was called the Leontovych Bandurist Capella after the Ukrainian composer Mykola Leontovych.

Leontovych Bandurist Capella

The Leontovych Bandurist Capella was a male choir whose members accompanied themselves using a Ukrainian folk instrument known as a bandura. It was established in the displaced persons camps in Germany in 1946 and had an active performance schedule until 1949. In 1946 Hryhory Nazarenko together with the brothers left the Ukrainian Bandurist Chorus and started working on establishing a new bandurist capella. This new capella was formed in the British zone in Germany in the city of Goslar and was called the Leontovych Bandurist Capella after the Ukrainian composer Mykola Leontovych.