Les Voyages du tortillard

Les Voyages du tortillard or The Secret Railroad was a series of 52 (or possibly 61) animated shorts made in Montreal, Quebec, Canada. Episodes last 5 minutes each. It was originally recorded in English at Place D'Youville in Montreal then subsequently dubbed into French. It was produced by Peter Saunders and Danielle Marleau for their "Les Films du Train Secret" animated studio.

Les Voyages du tortillard

Les Voyages du tortillard or The Secret Railroad was a series of 52 (or possibly 61) animated shorts made in Montreal, Quebec, Canada. Episodes last 5 minutes each. It was originally recorded in English at Place D'Youville in Montreal then subsequently dubbed into French. It was produced by Peter Saunders and Danielle Marleau for their "Les Films du Train Secret" animated studio.